The fourth episode of the fourth series of Claims Apprentice, in association with Insurance Post, has launched and is now available to view below.
In this episode teams Aspire and Connect have to plan and record a podcast on the topic of claims inflation. To differentiate the team’s podcasts, Team Connect is given the subject of motor claims and accident repairs, while Team Aspire is asked to focus on personal injury claims.
Claims inflation is the biggest problem the insurance industry is currently facing.
Alongside Kennedys partner, and UK liability defence and travel team practice head, Claire Mulligan, who the six candidates will be aiming to impress, is a trusted team of advisers who have mentored the teams and will aide her in ultimately reaching a decision on this year’s winner. For this task, they are Partners Mark Walsh and Sandip Sidhu.
Mark and Sandip are assigned to the respective teams they are tasked with mentoring and helping produce the podcasts; Mark is with Team Aspire and Sandip with Team Connect. But before they get into the studio, the teams need to decide what they plan to cover and if they will invite a guest contributor to the recording; and then they hit the streets of the City to record vox pops with members of the public.
Which team will get the best soundbites from the public? Who is familiar with the world of podding and where will they draw inspiration from? Watch episode four to find out.
Claims Apprentice, which is designed to unearth, showcase and help young talent working in the claims market, was a new initiative in 2019 and, following the success of that inaugural series, and the follow-ups in 2020 and 2022 is back again this year. Kennedys is very pleased to be supporting this initiative once again.
You can stay up to speed with this series of Claims Apprentice by following our Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook pages, or by visiting our dedicated Claims Apprentice 2023 webpage.
Claims Apprentice 2023: Episode 4 – Claims Inflation Podcast (Part 1)