Phil Sturley
Phillip is a senior associate based in Kennedys London office. He qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales in 2016.
Phillip represents several major UK insurers in relation to catastrophic injury claims. He advises on a broad range of motor, employers & public liability matters, including accidents involving electric scooters.
He deals with a broad range of catastrophic injury cases including spinal cord injury, severe and subtle brain injury, amputation, serious orthopedic injuries, chronic pain, functional neurological disorder and complex psychiatric damage.
He also has experience in advising insurers on exaggerated and fundamentally dishonest claims.
For a number of years, Phillip has also advised insurers in relation to complex motor indemnity disputes between insurers, including disputes concerning motor policy wordings, the Road Traffic Act 1988, the Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012, the Uninsured / Untraced Drivers Agreements and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau’s Articles of Association.