We are delighted to announce that our virtual lawyer, KLAiM, has won the award for Best Client Service Innovation and that we were awarded 'Highly Commended' within the Business Services Team of the Year category at The Lawyer Awards last night.
The prestigious innovation award, which recognised KLAiM as a unique online litigation tool that empowers clients to settle insurance claims that are in dispute without needing to instruct a lawyer, also saw us receive a special mention for our developing portfolio of innovations - known collectively as our Innovations Toolkit. The award was collected by Richard West, Head of Liability and Innovation, Suzanne Liversidge, Partner; and Karim Derrick, Head of Research and Development.
Alongside our continued success for innovation, we also received ‘Highly Commended’ in the Business Services Team of the Year category, which recognised an incredibly busy 12 months that included:
- the successful delivery of mergers;
- a string of office openings across Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the US;
- major lateral team hires;
- a sustained focus on global recruitment and in-house learning and development;
- the rollout of a bespoke case management system; and
- a new, dynamic and user-focused website.
The awards ceremony, in association with Travelers, was hosted by comedian David Mitchell and celebrates excellence within the industry and is one of the leading awards initiatives within the legal calendar. We were the only insurance firm to win an award during last night's ceremony.
The now multi-award winning KLAiM is the first product of its kind and completely unique to the insurance market. The online service empowers our clients to settle insurance litigation, without the need to instruct a lawyer. The step-by-step ‘virtual’ lawyer takes clients through the early stages of litigation all the way through to settlement. By auto-populating content, KLAiM ensures clients’ claims teams follow standard procedures and create the required court documentation, without the usual legal cost. We are also developing KLAiM in Australia, Hong Kong and the United States, creating a proven product for the global insurance market.
I am so pleased with this latest award for KLAiM and the recognition our Business Services Team received. This further underlines that our client-focused approach to innovation is making a difference and is testament to our hugely talented team of innovators, developers, and lawyers - who have combined again to achieve such amazing success. Thank you to all those involved.
Introducing KLAiM - the virtual defence lawyer 2:15