Dive In 2024

Dive In Festival 2024 - What is intersectionality and why does it matter?

Virtual event

This event will focus on the topic of intersectionality across inclusion and diversity.

It will be comprised of four sections: 

  1. Understanding intersectionality (welcome, introduce the event and a look at what we mean by intersectionality)
  2. Panel discussion, comprising of individuals with lived experiences and stories that they are happy to share, we hope to include a diverse range of speakers including from colleagues within our organisations as well as hopefully one or two recognisable speakers tbc – this will likely be a spokesperson from Premiership Rugby such as Maro Itoje oran athlete from the Special Olympics (the world’s largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities) 
  3. International best practice: the panel session where we have discussed peoples lived experiences and examples of intersectionality will then follow onto a discussion around organisational practices that support intersectionality and collaboration between I&D workstreams.
    For example:
     - How Gallagher’s gender workstream worked closely with both their LGBTQ+ workstream to produce a Trans Ally Guide, and their mental health workstream when producing their premature baby policy and other family care policies.
     - How social mobility workstreams work closely with race and ethnicity workstreams, recognising that supporting communities from lower opportunity areas often also have high proportions of ethnic minority individuals, how the two I&D workstreams work together to maximise impact.
     - How race and ethnicity workstreams are starting to work with gender workstreams in recognition of ethnicity pay gap and the intersectionality of ethnic minority female career development.
  4. Event wrap up and close: Intersectionality the next 10 years: touching on the lived experiences shared and the current emerging best practices, finishing with a question to panelists about how they see intersectionality developing over the next 10 years.