Current issues in freight forwarding and logistics – an international review

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We are delighted to be hosting a webinar on Thursday 9 February 2023, where our speakers will provide a review of some of the problems which our international logistics team are seeing on a regular basis. They will discuss:

  • The expanding role of the freight forwarder in the modern supply chain.
  • The logistics crisis (in terms of the shortage of haulage availability and recent delays at ports), force majeure defences and container detention charges.
  • Freight forwarding in Hong Kong – an overview of the market, issues being faced and horizon scanning, including the “Belt and Road” initiative.
  • The extended definition of merchant under bills of lading capturing freight forwarders, and how the principal / agent issue has been treated in Australian courts.
  • Demurrage and detention charges and how they have been treated in Australian courts.
  • Misleading and deceptive conduct involving house bills of lading.

The session is aimed at claims managers, underwriters and those involved in the logistics and supply chain industry.
