Annual healthcare seminar programme 2022

Kennedys' healthcare team are pleased to announce details for their annual healthcare seminar programme.

We are privileged to include in this year's programme the following distinguished speakers:

  • Dr Julian Morris, HM Coroner for London Inner South – Southwark Coroners Court
  • Dr Denise Chaffer, President of Royal College of Nursing
  • Simon Hammond & Kamal Bedi, Director of Claims Management, NHS Resolution
  • Mr Tavakkolizadeh, Orthopaedic Surgeon
  • Prof Timothy Briggs, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
  • Kirsty Shaw - CQC, Chief Operating Officer
  • Ellen Nicholson & Dr Anwar Khan, Safety and learning leads, NHS Resolution and Dr Ron Daniels, Founder, UK Sepsis Trust
  • Helen Vernon, Chief Executive NHS Resolution
  • Prof Tim Draycott, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Thursday 27 January 2022

A Coroners perspective of advocates and evidence

Speaker: Dr Julian Morris, HM Coroner for London Inner South – Southwark Coroners Court

This session has now taken place. 

Tuesday 22 February 2022

A view from the Royal College of Nursing on supporting and retaining staff in the health service

Speaker: Dr Denise Chaffer, President of Royal College of Nursing

This session has now taken place. To request a copy of the recording please click here.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

NHS Resolution claims management – the present and the future

Speakers: Simon Hammond & Kamal Bedi, Director of Claims Management – NHS Resolution

This session has now taken place. To request a copy of the recording please click here.

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Breach of duty and causation in orthopaedic claims

Speaker: Mr Tavakkolizadeh, Orthopaedic Surgeon

This session has now taken place. To request a copy of the recording please click here.

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Implementing GIRFT Reports – dos and don’ts

Speaker: Prof Timothy Briggs, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

This session has now taken place.

Thursday 30 June 2022

What investigators look for and how healthcare bodies can improve care

Speaker: Kirsty Shaw - CQC, Chief Operating Officer

This session has now taken place. To request a copy of the recording please click here.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Recognising sepsis in primary care

Speakers: Ellen Nicholson and Dr Anwar Khan, Safety and learning leads, NHS Resolution and Dr Ron Daniels, Founder, UK Sepsis Trust

This session has now taken place. To request a copy of the recording please click here.

Wednesday 26 October 2022

NHS Resolution - its current objectives and future aims

Speaker: Helen Vernon, Chief Executive NHS Resolution

This session has now taken place. To request a copy of the recording please click here.

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Causation in Obstetric claims

Speaker: Prof Tim Draycott, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

This session has now taken place. To request a copy of the recording please click here.