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Future of dispute resolution

With the growth of technology, and international commerce and trade, dispute resolution and the legal system will need to evolve.

As you and your business seek to understand the nuances of conflict management, we offer practical commentary on the best route to resolution, based on deep insight and sector-knowledge.

The issues we cover include:

  • The implications of claims inflation to the disputes landscape now and in the future.
  • The role of technology in removing current barriers blocking access to justice.
  • The continued global focus on streamlining arbitration hearings.
  • A focus towards the application of other methods of dispute resolution.
  • Key developments in the personal injury discount rate.

Dispute resolution is a significant part of the legal and business landscape. With the growth of technology, and international commerce and trade, dispute resolution and the legal system will need to evolve. Alongside these, social and claims inflation factors are challenging the global liability environment for businesses and insurers. Improved efficiency, flexibility and access to justice must be central to that progression.

Global forecast 2025

Our report looks at civil justice reforms and the future of justice as technologies drive change around the world.

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Personal injury discount rate: a global snapshot

The recently closed Ministry of Justice (MoJ) call for evidence considers different models for setting the personal injury discount rate (PIDR) in other jurisdictions including Hong Kong, the Canadian province of Ontario and Jersey which set different rates based on the duration of the award, in addition to the heads of loss approach adopted in the Republic of Ireland.

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Personal injury discount rate

It is important for insurers and compensators to consider what impact different rates and approaches to setting the rate may have on current and future claims reserves.

Claims inflation implications

Excess claims inflation – that is, changes in the cost of claims beyond standard economic inflation – requires immediate consideration to ensure necessary claims management and business resilience.

Digital transformation

AI is already embedded in legal practice and has the potential to automate processes during different stages of a dispute.

Events and webinar recordings

If you have missed any events, please visit our webinar recordings page.

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Transparency and fairness are the bedrock of the justice system, and technology can and should be harnessed to provide innovative solutions not only in relation to alternative dispute resolution but the system more widely.

All future of dispute resolution insights