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Transport technology revolution

The transportation industry is undergoing a significant revolution, driven by rapid advancements in disruptive technology and innovation. The implications of such touch upon the very fabric of social change, consumer behaviour, economic impacts and environmental considerations.

From autonomous vehicles to electric scooters, technology is reshaping the way we move people and goods. These technologies include the IoT (Internet of Things), big data, blockchain technology, AI and drones. Their applications extend to public transport, traffic management, high-speed rail, self-navigating ships and unmanned aerial vehicles.

These cutting-edge technologies bring many benefits, including improved efficiency and enhanced safety. However, there are also challenges to navigate, including legal and ethical dilemmas that extend to privacy, security and employment considerations. The implications of this trend also signal a profound reconfiguration of urban transportation dynamics - prompting a rethink of infrastructure development.

Within our Transport technology revolution hub, you can access our research based report on transport technology as well as articles and insights examining the impacts of this new technology, and legal and regulatory developments. 

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Autonomous vehicles: key developments

As a new era of transport continues to unfold, keep up to date on the latest developments and what they mean for you and your business.

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Deborah_Newberry Square
Undoubtedly the disruptive power of autonomous vehicle technology will re-shape the transport sector and wider society as a whole. Clearly the technology is not going away and we must acknowledge that alongside the many benefits, there are a range of emerging risks for businesses and end-users.