UK Government plans to reform Human Rights Act

The UK Government has published a consultation, ‘Human Rights Act Reform: a Modern Bill of Rights’, that makes far-reaching proposals for new legislation which aims to strike a proper balance between individuals’ rights, personal responsibility and the wider public interest. The consultation has been informed by an independent report by the Panel of the Independent Human Rights Act Review (IHRAR), led by Sir Peter Gross.

The consultation will close on 8 March 2022, after which the government will publish its report summarising the responses. Consultation responses should usually be published within 12 weeks of the consultation closing. Should the government decide to proceed with its proposal for a new Bill of Rights, time will be needed to draft the wording of the Bill. The Bill will then be introduced in either the House of Commons or House of Lords for examination, discussion and debate. When both Houses have agreed on the content of a Bill, it can be presented for Royal Assent and become law.

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