Singapore Property and Energy Week Report, 2024

Our report summarising key observations and market feedback from our recent ‘Property and Energy Week’ in Singapore in conjunction with attendance at the 2024 Asia Power Forum conference.

Representatives from Kennedys’ global Property, Energy and Construction team were delighted to host our recent ‘Property and Energy Week’ in Singapore in conjunction with attendance at the 2024 Asia Power Forum conference. We are pleased to provide you with a copy of our report summarising key observations and market feedback from the week which may be of interest.

A number of issues and opportunities came across clearly from our discussions with claims managers and underwriters over the week, many of which were aligned with the APF conference themes of transition and the need for and benefits of cooperation.

Overall, what really stood out during the APF conference and our various events during the week, was the real engagement of participating stakeholders from across the Asia Pacific market, and beyond from the Middle East and London, in the opportunities which are available in the region and the importance of cooperation and partnership to make the most of these.

We hope you find our report useful and look forward to continuing to support our insurer and reinsurer clients while they pursue these opportunities. Please reach out if you would like to discuss any of the information provided.