Dive In Festival 2024 - Meet the organisers: Charnell Wattley

Charnell Wattley Square

In the lead-up to Dive In 2024, we’re meeting the speakers and organisers who are making the global DE&I festival happen. 

Learning and Development Business Partner, Chanell Wattley has been helping to organise one of the DE&I-focused events on intersectionality which runs on 24 September.

What are your events all about?

The event that I have been involved in organising is about intersectionality in the workplace and the meaning of intersectionality event. The event will give Kennedys team members and our colleagues in the insurance industry a chance to hear from experts in DEI, ERG members and individuals who identify as intersectional. 

What does the chance to organise events on these topics mean to you?

I enjoy a challenge and find it particularly exciting to be given a blank canvas to generate an event with a very succinct brief. Being part of this workstream gave me the opportunity to learn more about intersectionality and collaborate with others to build an event that can be part of the well-established campaign Dive In.

What’s the main thing you’d like people to take from the event?

I’d like people to have a clearer understanding of what Intersectionality means, why it  matters and how organisations can implement best practice when ensuring the right people related infrastructure is in place i.e Policy, Procedure, and Relevant support networks which can be extremely valuable.

Do you have a hidden talent?

Ha, it’s not really hidden, but my creative outlet is to do bridal hair. I’ve been to nearly 100 weddings. So you can call me a professional wedding crasher if you’d like.

What's a skill you'd like to learn in the future? 

Neuro Linguistic Programming.

What's a place you've always wanted to visit but haven't yet? 

Zambia – To see Victoria Falls.

What's the most memorable concert or live performance you've attended? 

My first ever concert was ‘Destiny’s Child’. Loved it.

What's the last book you read and what did you think of it? 

Psychology of Money – I’m ¾ way though and I have to say I’m hooked. I saw Morgan Housel on the Diary of a CEO which is why I bought the book and it just doesn’t disappoint!