
Nicola Miller is a Senior Associate in Kennedys’ London office. She trained with Kennedys and qualified as a solicitor in 2011 specialising in Healthcare.

Nicola handles a wide range of high value and complex claims for NHS Resolution, private hospitals, GPs and private consultants. Her experience is wide ranging and includes cases involving oncology, cauda equina, birth injuries, wrongful birth, surgical complications and delays in diagnosis and referral. Nicola also regularly deals with multi-defendant actions. She has assisted with cases in the Court of Protection.

Nicola has undertaken secondments at NHS Resolution and several Trusts. She has delivered training to junior doctors and insurers in relation to clinical negligence claims. Her experience includes the successful preparation and defence of limitation at trial.

Qualifications and admissions

  • Qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales in 2011

Work highlights

  • SP v Barts Health NHS Trust – Discontinuance of claim the day before Trial. Claim related to an alleged failure to prescribe antibiotics resulting in a head wound infection. Nicola robustly defended the claim leading to discontinuance. We successfully recovered our costs in full.
  • SD v Dr E – Successful defence of limitation at trial. Claim related to an alleged delay in diagnosis and treatment of hypogonadism in 1983. Claimant argued his date of knowledge was late 2011. At Trial it was found the Claimant’s date of knowledge was 1983 and the claim was statute barred.
  • AB v Nuffield Health – Discontinuance pre-action. It was alleged the Claimant fell whilst being transferred from his bed to an x-ray trolley resulting in dislocation of his hip. A forensic approach to the evidence resulted in the claim being discontinued at an early stage.
  • CL v Dr V – Successful settlement of cauda equina case at mediation. Claim related to an alleged failure by the defendant GP’s administrative staff to fax an urgent referral letter to Neurosurgeons. Due to the delay in referral Claimant suffered C4 incomplete tetraplegia. Claimant’s Schedule of Loss was pleaded at £4.7 million. Claim settled at mediation for £1.6 million.