
Christian is a legal director within the firm’s healthcare department and is based in our Birmingham office. 

Christian qualified in 2015 with Browne Jacobson following a career change from microbiology research, and first joined Kennedys’ healthcare team in 2017. He subsequently joined Weightmans in 2022 where he became a healthcare partner, before returning to Kennedys in 2025.  

Christian specialises in advising on maximum severity and complexity clinical negligence claims, primarily acting on behalf of NHS Resolution and their member Trusts and GPs.

He subspecialises in complex cross-jurisdictional healthcare claims and works closely with the firm’s global healthcare partners around the world to manage region-specific issues and reach resolution. Christian has a particular interest in addressing the additional considerations required in such claims, including the applicable personal injury discount rate, local care/treatment/rehabilitation practices and offerings, tax implications of damages awards, and instruction of bespoke counsel and experts. Christian has experience of claims involving Australian, French, and American jurisdictions.  

Christian also has a keen interest in the implications and likely liabilities associated with the development of artificial intelligence and its impact on the provision of healthcare and has been part of industry seminars and discussions.  

Qualifications and admissions

  • Qualified in UK in 2015 
  • Member of FOIL 

Market recognition

Legal 500 UK

  • Ranked “Next Generation Partner” for “Clinical Negligence: Defendant” [2025]
  • Ranked “Rising Star” for “Clinical Negligence: Defendant” [2024]
    “Christian Lowden is undoubtedly a rising star... he shows the tactical skills of a much more senior lawyer” [2023]
    “Talented, efficient, and composed” [2023] 


Work highlights

  • Successful challenge of the personal injury discount rate applicable to a claimant residing in Australia.
  • Identifying and affecting change to an NHS Trust’s practice in respect of antenatal scanning processes and analysis.
  • Chair of a UK seminar forecasting the likely amendment to the personal injury discount rate for compensators.