

  • Penn State Law, 2021
  • York College of Pennsylvania, 2018

Alexandra is an associate in the Basking Ridge office. She joined the Basking Ridge office after completing a judicial clerkship with the Honorable Christopher D Rafano, J.S.C., in Middlesex County Superior Court. During her clerkship, Alexandra reviewed and analyzed motions on a range of civil law matters including products liability, motor vehicle accidents, dangerous condition liability, and contract interpretation.

Alexandra is currently working with the Basking Ridge coverage team.

Alexandra attended Penn State Law, where she was a member of the Veterans and Servicemembers Legal Clinic and Vice President of the Military Law Caucus. She also served as a teaching assistant and a research assistant.

Alexandra received her BA in Philosophy from York College of Pennsylvania. During her time at York College, Alexandra completed an undergraduate internship at the York County District Attorney’s Office. She also completed two independent search seminars, one involving a study of the adoption process and its relationship to children’s identity formation and one involving an analysis of international conflict and political philosophy.

Qualifications and admissions

  • New Jersey

Presentations and publications

  • Co-author, “Allocating responsibility for mass tort bodily injury among implicated insurance policies,” published for the American Bar Association (April 2024)