Nancy Lewis - Day in the life

Special Counsel, New York

Nancy is a Special Counsel based in our New York office.

Nancy Lewis Square
The nature of my work is very “behind the scenes” and I love that about my role.


Mondays through Thursdays I typically work very efficiently from home, happily surrounded by my 5 adopted dogs and cats. Now that my children are grown, the house is very quiet! However, Fridays I tend to go into our San Francisco office, which is a 45 minute train ride from my home in Pleasanton. 

I spend the earliest part of the mornings responding to e-mails and calls from people on the East Coast, as my work is primarily New York-based. The nature of my work is very “behind the scenes” and I love that about my role.


I spend the morning preparing coverage opinions, doing research, and writing substantive briefs and motions. I’m usually relaxed while working, and always focused. However, I do feel a little stressed when up against a deadline and struggling to not only complete the project on time, but to complete it really well, my goal is never to just “get the job done” but rather, it is to always do a really good job.


I either take a small break to walk the dogs and grab a bite to eat or sometimes, friends will join me for lunch. They bring with them the dogs they are fostering from our local animal shelter, so that these animals can get experience socializing with other dogs—mine! I love the role that my dogs and I play in the process of preparing shelter dogs for adoption.


I have been asked to create a PowerPoint Presentation for a mediation and that is always an enjoyable task for me. I also have a Teams call to attend, although I believe “in person” is best, these calls are still a very effective way to collaborate and strategize with colleagues (and to get a glimpse into their lives outside of work). 


I’ve usually finished up for the day and I enter my billings. I actually enjoy this ministerial task—it signals the end of my work day, and shows me very concretely that I’ve accomplished a lot. On Fridays, after work, I drive downtown to meet my husband at our favourite pub. He always gets there before I do, and is waiting for me with a smile on his face, a beer in hand, and one for me on the table. It’s such a beautiful sight.