Janine Dayeh is an Associate within the insurance defence team, working in our New York office.

The associates go out for lunch together almost every day. I hang out with my co-workers, and ask for advice on any tasks I’m working on.
Morning I start early and hop on a bus from New Jersey, where I live, into Manhattan. I listen to my favourite playlist to get my day started and outline my tasks for the day.
I grab my second cold brew at this time, and catch up with some of the other associates. I check my emails and begin working on some assignments.
I usually aim to make sure that my billing is up to date at this time. I then continue to work on assignments for my cases, or any other assignments assigned by a partner or more senior associate.
The associates go out for lunch together almost every day. A personal favorite of mine is a place called the Hugh, which is an open marketplace with a number of food options. I hang out with my co-workers, and ask for advice on any tasks I’m working on.
I like to meet with some of the partners if they are available, and touch base regarding my cases and any outstanding assignments.
Since I commute into Manhattan, I try to walk back to the bus station after work and enjoy the city views. I grab the bus home and try to get a quick workout in before doing it all over again!