Aisling Moore - Day in the life

Trainee Solicitor, Dublin

Aisling is trainee solicitor in our Dublin office, currently working within our Dublin liability team.

They give me feedback on these task, which I really appreciate as it enhances my learning and drafting skills.


I wake up at around 7am, get myself organised and then travel by bus to the Dublin office. During my journey I read up on the latest legal and business news before starting my day.


Once I am in the office, I make myself a coffee in the kitchen and catch up with one of the associates and trainee solicitors in my team. I then head to my desk to start the day by reviewing my tasks and creating a to do list.


I have been asked to complete some research and draft slides for an upcoming Kennedys presentation and to also research the applicable legislation, different case law and articles. Once I have completed this I then send my research on to my supervisor to be reviewed.


I have my lunch in the kitchen along with my other colleagues and we catch up on each other's weekends.


After lunch, I draft letters, emails and court documents in the afternoon and send these onto the relevant associates for review. They give me feedback on the task, which I really appreciate as it enhances my learning and drafting skills.


I start reviewing some records that we received for a matter, and ensure that all documentation requested has been received, I then draft a memo of any missing documentation.


To end my day, I review my outstanding tasks before leaving the office and create a to do list for the next day. I then go to my kickboxing class after work, which I really enjoy and then head home for the evening.