Kennedys is an international legal practice carried on by Kennedys Law LLP and its affiliated firms. References to Kennedys mean Kennedys Law LLP and other firms authorised to use the name 'Kennedys'. Each firm provides legal and other services in accordance with the applicable laws and professional regulations. We also have association and co-operation agreements with other law firms throughout the world.
Terms such as ‘Kennedys’, ‘we’, ‘the firm’ and ‘our people’ do not imply that these entities are in partnership.
The terms ‘partner’ or ‘partners’ refer to a member of Kennedys Law LLP , or an employee/consultant with equivalent standing or status. A list of members’ or partners’ names is available from each registered office address listed below.
The partners of Kennedys Law LLP and its affiliates do not accept service of any legal proceedings via a general email address.
This page contains details relating to:
- Legal entities
- Costs information
- Complaints
- Use of this website
- Copyright.
Legal entities
England – Kennedys Law LLP
Kennedys Law LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). Read the SRA’s rules on the SRA website.
- Companies House registered number: OC353214
- Registered office: 20 Fenchurch St, London EC3M 3BY
- VAT registration number: 974 9796 34
Kennedys Law LLP also has branches in Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Chelmsford, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and Taunton.
Kennedys Law LLP is not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) however it is included on the Exempt Professional Firm (EPF) register maintained by the FCA so that it can advise on insurance mediation activity in the UK which broadly includes advising on the selling and administration of insurance contracts. This part of the firm’s business including complaints is regulated by the SRA. Access the EPF register by visiting the FCA website and selecting 'EPF Search'.
Kennedys IQ Limited
Kennedys IQ Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Companies House registered number: 10774749 Registered office: 20 Fenchurch St, London EC3M 3BY VAT registration number: GB 974 9796 34
Australia - Kennedys (Australasia)
Kennedys (Australasia) Partnership is an unincorporated legal practice registered with the Law Society of New South Wales.
- Australian Business Number: 53142744354
- Registered office: Level 48, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Read the Law Society’s rules on the Law Society of NSW's website.
China - Kennedys
Kennedys is a partnership regulated by the Law Society of Hong Kong. Read the Law Society’s rules on the Law Society of Hong Kong's website.
- Principal place of business: 37th Floor, Oxford House, 979 King’s Road, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
New Zealand - Kennedys
Kennedys is a partnership regulated by the Law Society of New Zealand. Read the Law Society’s rules on the Law Society of New Zealand's website.
- Principal place of business: Level 8, 70 Shortland Street, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand
Singapore - Kennedys Singapore LLP
Kennedys Singapore LLP a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Read the SRA’s rules on the SRA website.
- Companies House registered number: OC352676
- Registered office: 25 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5AD
- Principal place of business: 80 Raffles Place,#44-05 UOB Plaza 1, Singapore 048624
Kennedys is also licensed and regulated by the Attorney-General of Singapore as a foreign law firm.
Singapore - Kennedys Legal Solutions
Kennedys Legal Solutions is the trading name of Kennedys Legal Solutions Pte Ltd, a limited liability joint law venture between Kennedys Singapore LLP and Legal Solutions LLC. The word “Partner” refers to a member of Kennedys Legal Solutions, or an employee or consultant who is a lawyer with equivalent standing and qualifications.
Denmark - Kennedys
Kennedys is a trading name of Kennedys Advokatpartnerselskab. Kennedys is a partnership regulated by the Danish Bar and Law Society. Read the Law Society’s rules on the Danish Bar and Law Society website.
- CVR number: 39833018
- Principal place of business: Regnbuepladsen 5, 4th floor, 1550 Copenhagen, Denmark
Legal notice
Kennedys Advokatpartnerselskab is a limited partnership company organised under Danish law. All of the lawyers of Kennedys Advokatpartnerselskab are admitted to practice law by the Danish Ministry of Justice and form part of the Danish Bar and Law Society (Advokatsamfundet). As such, the lawyers are subject to the code of conduct of the Danish Bar and Law Society. The code of conduct of the Danish Bar and Law Society is available in Danish only at
The Danish Bar and Law Society is supplemented by The Danish Bar Council (Advokatnævnet), which is an independent complaints board that deals with complaints concerning lawyers' behavior and fees. For further information please see the following link: The Danish Bar Council (Advokatnævnet) is located on Kronprinsessegade 28, DK-1306 København K.
Kennedys Advokatpartnerselskab’s liability insurance company is:
Indiakaj 6, 1st fl.
DK-2100 København Ø
Telephone: (+45) 33 36 95 95
The liability insurance covers all legal practice regardless of where such practice takes place. Further, HDI is a guarantor for Kennedys Advokatpartnerselskab in favour of the Danish Bar and Law Society.
Kennedys Advokatpartnerselskab does not use contractual clauses on choice of law and/or venue unless this is agreed with the client.
Read more information on Kennedys Advokatpartnerselskab.
France - Kennedys France AARPI
Kennedys is a trading name of Kennedys of Kennedys France AARPI, a general partnership registered with the Trade and Companies Register (RCS).
- Registered number: 832486906
- Principal place of business: 37/39, Rue de la Bienfaisance (1st Floor) 75008 Paris, France
Ireland - Kennedys
Kennedys Solicitors LLP is a limited liability partnership authorised by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority Ireland under the LSR Act 2015 (registered number 1262224).
Regulated by the Law Society of Ireland. Read the Law Society’s rules on the Law Society of Ireland's website.
Principal place of business: Second Floor, Bloodstone Building, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, D02 KF24
Israel – Kennedys
Kennedys is an Israeli Partnership.
Registration number: 540298502
Principle place of business: Sea View Building, 7th Floor, Building B, 2 Hamanofim Street, Herzliya Pituach, 4672553, Israel
Spain - Kennedys Law SL
Kennedys Law SLU is a limited company registered with the Madrid Companies Registry:
- Registered number: B88617030
- Registered office: Paseo de la Castellana 40 bis, 5th floor, 28046 Madrid
Individual lawyers (abogados) are regulated by the General Rules for Lawyers (Estatuto General de la Abogacía Española), the Spanish Lawyers Code of Conduct (Código Deontológico de la Abogacía Española), the Organic Law of the Judicial Power (Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial), the Code Governing Publicity of Lawyers of the Madrid Bar Association (Código Regulador de la Publicidad de los Abogados del Colegio de Madrid), and the Disciplinary Regulation (Reglamento del Procedimiento Disciplinario). Individual abogados are registered with the Madrid Bar Association which will provide copies of the regulations on request.
Sultanate of Oman - Nasser Al Shamli, Advocates & Legal Consultants
Kennedys operates in the Sultanate of Oman through Kennedys Muscat SPC in association with Nasser Al Shamli Advocates & Legal Consultants (Licensed by the Ministry of Justice & Legal Affairs, Registered Number 152019).
Kennedys Muscat SPC is a limited liability company incorporated in accordance with the laws of the Sultanate of Oman duly registered in the Public Registry of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Investment with CRI. No. 1364440 and with Tax number 1684756. Principal place of business: Office 375, Globex Business Centre 2nd Floor, Office Tower Panorama Mall, Bousher Muscat OM, 113, Oman
United Arab Emirates - Kennedys Dubai LLP
Kennedys Dubai LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and licensed to operate as a legal consultancy firm and a branch of a foreign company by the Department of Economic Development in Dubai. Read the SRA’s rules on the SRA website.
- Companies House registered number: OC352675
- Registered office: 25 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5AD
- Department of Economic Development Professional Licence: 581382
- Principal place of business: Level 1, Office 110, Offices Building 5, One Central, PO Box 212620, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Kennedys Argentina Sociedad Ley 19550 Capítulo I Sección IV is a limited partnership with registered tax ID number (CUIT) 33-71584296-9 whose principal place of business is Av. Córdoba 817 piso 8° oficina “16” - C1054AAI, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Brazil – Kennedys Technical Services Limitada
Kennedys Technical Services Limitada is a private limited liability company whose principal place of business is Rua Joaquim Floriano, 100 – Cj. 172, Itaim Bibi – São Paulo – SP,CEP: 04534-000, Brazil.
Chile – Kennedys Chile Abogados Limitada
Kennedys Chile Abogados Limitada is a private limited liability company whose registered office is Av. Alonso de Córdova 2860, Of. 402, Vitacura - Santiago, Chile. Read the rules of the Chilean Bar Association on
Colombia - Kennedys Colombia S.A.S
Kennedys Colombia S.A.S is a simplified stock company incorporated in accordance with the law of Colombia whose principal place of business is Carrera 9 No. 115-06, Piso 28, Edificio Tierra Firme, Oficina 2802, Bogotá, Colombia 110111’
Mexico - Kennedys
Kennedys Law México, S.C. is a Sociedad Civil incorporated in accordance with the laws of the United Mexican States duly registered in the Public Registry of Commerce of Mexico, Federal District under file No.32412, with Tax number KLM161223685.
Peru – Kennedys Law Peru SRL
Kennedys Law Peru SRL is a limited liability commercial partnership whose principal place of business is Av. Rivera Navarrete No. 495 Int. 1302, Lima 15046 San Isidro, Lima, Peru. Read the rules of the Lima Bar Association on
Bermuda - Kennedys Chudleigh Ltd.
Kennedys and Kennedys Bermuda are the trading names in Bermuda of Kennedys Chudleigh Ltd., an independent Bermuda law firm.
Kennedys Chudleigh Ltd. is a limited liability company incorporated in Bermuda under the Companies Act 1981, which is regulated under the provisions of the Bermuda Bar Act 1974, and approved and recognized under the Bermuda Bar (Professional Companies) Rules 2009.
For more information, read the rules of the Bermuda Bar Association on
United States of America
Kennedys is a trading name of Kennedys CMK LLP.
- Kennedys CMK LLP is a New Jersey limited liability partnership with registered number FEIN045017416
- Registered office: 120 Mountain View Boulevard, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920
- Kennedys Law LLP, a UK Limited Liability Partnership, is a partner of Kennedys CMK LLP.
Northern Ireland - Kennedys Belfast LLP
Kennedys Belfast LLP a limited liability partnership registered in Northern Ireland and is regulated by the Law Society of Northern Ireland. Read the Law Society’s rules on the Law Society of Northern Ireland website.
- Companies House registered number: NC000601
- Registered office: River House, 48 - 60 High Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT1 2BE
Scotland – Kennedys Scotland LLP
Kennedys is a trading name of Kennedys Scotland a multinational practice regulated by the Law Society of Scotland. Read the Law Society's rules on the Law Society of Scotland's website.
- Companies House registered number: SO307315
- Registered office: Baird House, 4 Lower Gilmore Bank, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH3 9QP
Costs information
The total cost of the service
Claims for either unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal may be straightforward in some instances and yet extremely complex in other instances. Some cases may involve relatively small amounts of evidence and legal analysis, whereas others may involve large volumes of documents and witness evidence and raise complicated legal points and/or may be combined with other types of claims being pursued, such as discrimination complaints. Some cases may take no more than a 1-day hearing to be determined, whereas others may take several days or weeks. Accordingly, the total cost of bringing or defending either type of claim can vary considerably. Typically, we would expect to charge £10,000 + VAT to £30,000 + VAT in total to bring or defend a straightforward ordinary unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal claim assuming it is not combined with any significant wider claims such as discrimination or whistleblowing, although such will always depend on the particular complexity and other circumstances of the case and a more accurate costs estimate would be given upon being instructed in a matter and an assessment has been given as to the likely work and disbursements required.
The basis for our charges, including any hourly rates or fixed fees
Our charges are typically based on the application of hourly charging rates that vary accordingly to lawyer’s experience, status, seniority and office location, typically ranging from £150 to £500 per hour + VAT. Our charges may also be affected by Service Level Agreements reached with clients and/or their insurers.
Experience and qualifications
Our specialist team of employment lawyers comprises solicitors and legal executives with a variety of experience and status, including paralegals, trainee solicitors, solicitors, senior associates and partners. Typically, an unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal matter will be dealt with primarily by a solicitor or senior associate, supervised by a partner and assisted by other team members. For more information, contact our specialist employment lawyer Matthew Leake.
Typical additional expenses (disbursements)
The main disbursement in an unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal claim will be the fees charged by barristers; specialist advocates who we will usually instruct to represent the client at trials and other hearings. Barrister fees will vary according to the seniority and experience of the barrister instructed, the nature and location of the trial or hearing, as well as the complexity and time commitment required in the matter. For a routine case involving a 1 or 2 day trial with no preliminary hearings or other prior barrister involvement, we would typically expect such fees to be in the region of £1,000 + VAT to £5,000 + VAT. Other disbursements may include lawyers’ travel and accommodation costs, expert witness report costs and/or document production, courier and other administration costs. Court fees may also be chargeable in the case of a wrongful dismissal claim pursued in the civil courts rather than the employment tribunal. Again, such matters will be addressed when a costs estimate is given in respect of a specific matter.
VAT will be applicable on most disbursements, including barrister fees.
Services included in the price
The total cost of a matter is expected to include all key stages of a routine unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal case, including taking initial and then ongoing instructions, reviewing the relevant paperwork, drafting and submitting the claim or defence to the claim, advising on merits, costs, value, process and strategy, dealing with document disclosure and bundle preparation, interviewing witnesses and drafting witness statements, advising on settlement and conducting any negotiations, communicating with the other side and other relevant third parties such as ACAS and the Tribunal/Court and making applications, briefing a barrister for the full hearing/trial and attending that trial/hearing, plus ongoing communication with the client and updating advice throughout the life of the matter. The timeframe for each stage, and the overall timeframe for the matter, is dependent on a number of imponderables including limitation periods set by law and the deadlines and hearing dates set by the relevant Court/Tribunal, which can vary greatly. Typically, a routine unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal claim that involves a 1 or 2 day hearing/trial would be expected to last up to 12 months, but the timeframe can be longer or shorter depending on the circumstances.
Use of conditional fee or damages-based agreements
We do not use such agreements in unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal matters.
Freehold Conveyancing
We offer residential conveyancing services predominantly to individuals who are already existing clients. We specialise in acting on complex transactions that often feature extensive refurbishment proposals, planning considerations, transaction specific finance arrangements, multiple titles and other issues that are outside the scope of an everyday residential transaction. We base our charges on the complexity of the transaction and the estimated time required to achieve a successful conclusion for our clients. Our team led by Partner Amanda Hanmore comprises very experienced solicitors responsible for providing all legal advice supported by non-solicitors who will assist as required. We take pride in achieving each client’s timetable and reporting in the clearest terms to enable our clients to evaluate any risks that could arise. We provide a fee quote on each transaction that will also include an estimate of all costs and expenses that will be incurred. The estimated fees provided below are only indicative and fees will vary from property to property, depending in part on complexity, value, and timescales. We will be able to provide a more accurate figure upon receipt of further details in respect of the specific transaction. Additional fees will apply for acting on behalf of any mortgage lender.
Purchase of a freehold residential property
Our fees cover all of the legal work required to complete the purchase of your new home, including dealing with registration at the Land Registry and the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) if the property is in England, or Land Transaction Tax (Land Tax) if the property you wish to buy is in Wales.
Conveyancer’s fees – transactions under £500,000
- Legal fees: these will vary based on the complexity of the title, the value of the property and other factors. We estimate most transactions will fall within £3,500 to £5,500 (exclusive of VAT and disbursements).
Conveyancer’s fees – transactions over £500,000
- Legal fees: these will vary based on the complexity of the title, the value of the property and other factors. We estimate a majority of transactions will fall within £5,000 to £8,000 for transactions up to a value of £1m, and we will provide a separate quote for transactions over this figure.
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third-parties, such as search fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. The disbursements that we anticipate will apply are set out separately below. This list is not exhaustive and other disbursements may apply. We will update you on any specific anticipated disbursements upon receipt of a contract pack from the seller’s solicitors:
- Search fees: £750-£1,250 plus any applicable VAT. We will ask you to provide us with funds on account in respect of such fees prior to us ordering any searches.
- Land Registry registration fee (based on an electronic submission of forms to the Land Registry): up to £500 depending on the value of the property. Fees will differ if the transaction involves a first registration.
- Electronic money transfer fees: £7 plus VAT per transfer.
SDLT or Land Tax (on purchase)
The amount of SDLT or Land Tax that you will pay will depend on the purchase price of your property, along with other factors such as whether you are a first time buyer or own other property. You can calculate the amount you need pay by using HMRC’s website or, if the property is located in Wales, by using the by using the Welsh Revenue Authority’s website. We set out some examples below:
- If you are not a first time buyer, and do not own any other property, and are purchasing a freehold property for £350,000 in England, the SDLT payable will be £5,500 at the current rates as at May 2023.
- If you do own other residential property and the new purchase will not be your main residence, and are purchasing a freehold property for £350,000 in England, the SDLT payable will be £15,500 at the current rates as at May 2023.
How long will my house purchase take?
The average process takes between 6 to 12 weeks but the time from acceptance of your offer until you can move into your house will depend on a number of factors.
It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain. For example, if you are a first-time buyer purchasing a new build property with a mortgage in principle, it could take 4 to 8 weeks.
Stages of the process
The key stages of the process include:
- take your instructions and give you initial advice;
- check finances are in place to fund the purchase and contact the lender’s solicitors (if required);
- receive and advise on the required contract documents;
- carry out searches;
- obtain further planning documents (if required);
- make any necessary enquiries of the seller’s solicitors;
- give you advice on any usual documents and information received;
- go through the conditions of any mortgage offer with you;
- agree a draft transfer;
- send the final contract and transfer to you for signature;
- advise you on joint ownership (if required);
- agree a completion statement and completion date (date from which you own the property);
- exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened;
- arrange for all monies needed for the transaction to be received from you and/or your lender (if applicable);
- obtain any pre-completion searches;
- complete the purchase;
- 0erdeal with the payment of SDLT/Land Tax and the submission of any required return;
- deal with the application for registration at Land Registry;
Leasehold Conveyancing
We offer residential conveyancing services predominantly to individuals who are already existing clients. We specialise in acting on complex transactions that often feature extensive refurbishment proposals, planning considerations, transaction specific finance arrangements, multiple titles and other issues that are outside the scope of an everyday residential transaction. We base our charges on the complexity of the transaction and the estimated time required to achieve a successful conclusion for our clients. Our team lead by Partner Amanda Hanmore comprises very experienced solicitors responsible for providing all legal advice supported by non-solicitors who will assist as required. We take pride in achieving each client’s timetable and reporting in the clearest terms to enable our clients to evaluate any risks that could arise. We provide a fee quote on each transaction that will also include an estimate of all costs and expenses that will be incurred. The estimated fees provided below are only indicative and fees will vary from property to property in a similar way to freehold transactions, and depend in part on the type of transaction, complexity, value and timescales. Note for example that where the transaction does not comprise the grant of a new lease or the assignment of an existing lease (for example, a statutory extension of an existing lease), or where a third party’s consent is required to the lease transaction, our costs may be higher. We will be able to provide a more accurate figure upon receipt of further details in respect of the specific transaction. Additional fees will apply for acting on behalf of any mortgage lender.
Purchase of a leasehold residential property
Our fees cover all of the legal work required to complete the purchase of your new home, including dealing with registration at the Land Registry and the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) if the property is in England, or Land Transaction Tax (Land Tax) if the property you wish to buy is in Wales.
Conveyancer’s fees – transactions under £500,000
- Legal fees: Fees will vary based on the complexity of the title, the value of the property and other factors. We estimate most transactions will fall within £4,500 to £5,500 (exclusive of VAT and disbursements).
Conveyancer’s fees – transactions over £500,000
- Legal fees: Fees will vary based on the complexity of the title, the value of the property and other factors. We estimate most transactions will fall within £6,000 to £9,000 for transactions up to a value of £1m, and we will provide a separate quote for transactions over this figure.
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third-parties, such as search fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. There are certain disbursements that will be set out in the individual lease for the property. The disbursements that we anticipate will apply are set out separately below. This list is not exhaustive and other disbursements may apply depending on the terms of the lease. We will update you on any specific anticipated disbursements upon receipt of a contract pack from the seller’s solicitors:
- Search fees: £750-£1,250 plus any applicable VAT.
- Land Registry registration fee (based on an electronic submission of forms to the Land Registry): up to £500 depending on the value of the property. Fees will differ if the transaction involves a first registration.
- Electronic money transfer fees: £7 plus VAT per transfer
- Notice of transfer fee: this fee (if chargeable) will be set out in the lease. Often the fee is between £30 to £100 plus VAT;
- Notice of charge fee (if the property is to be mortgaged): this fee (if chargeable) will be set out in the lease. Often the fee is between £30 to £100 plus VAT;
- Deed of covenant fee: this fee (if chargeable) is often provided by the management company for the property and can be difficult to estimate. Often the fee is between £100 to £250 plus VAT;
- Certificate of compliance fee :this fee if chargeable will be set out in the lease. Often the fee is between £100-£400 plus VAT.
You should also be aware that ground rent and service charge are likely to apply throughout your ownership of the property. We will confirm the ground rent and the anticipated service charge as soon as we receive this information.
SDLT or Land Tax
The amount of SDLT or Land Tax that you will pay will depend on the purchase price of your property. You can calculate the amount you will need to pay by using HMRC’s website or, if the property is located in Wales, by using the Welsh Revenue Authority’s website. We set out some examples below:
- If you are purchasing a leasehold property for a premium of £350,000 in England, and you are not a first time buyer and do not own other property, the SDLT payable will be £5,000 at the current rates as at May 2023.
- If you are a first time buyer purchasing a leasehold property for a premium of £425,000 in England which will be your main residence, there will not be any SDLT payable (as per the current rules as at May 2023), however we will assist you with submitting a return to HMRC to notify them of the transaction.
Stages of the process
These are the key stages of the process:
- take your instructions and give you initial advice;
- check finances are in place to fund purchase and contact lender’s solicitors (if required);
- receive and advise on the required contract documents;
- carry out searches;
- obtain further planning documents if required;
- make any necessary enquiries of the seller’s solicitors;
- give you advice on any usual documents and information received;
- go through the conditions of any mortgage offer with you;
- agree a draft transfer;
- send the final contract and transfer or lease to you for signature;
- advise you on joint ownership (if required);
- agree a completion statement and completion date (date from which you own the property);
- exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened;
- arrange for all monies needed for the transaction to be received from you and/or your lender (if applicable);
- obtain any pre-completion searches;
- complete the purchase;
- deal with payment of SDLT/Land Tax and the submission of any required return; and
- deal with the application for registration at Land Registry.
How long will my house purchase take?
The average process takes between 6 to 12 weeks but the time from acceptance of your offer until you can move into your house will depend on a number of factors.
It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain. For example, if you are a first-time buyer, purchasing a new build property with a mortgage in principle, it could take 6 to 8 weeks from completion of construction of the property. However, if you are buying a leasehold property that requires an extension of the lease, this can take significantly longer, between 3 to 6 months. In such a situation, additional charges would apply.
Kennedys is committed to providing a high quality legal service to all our clients. If you have a reason to feel dissatisfied, please view our complaints policy.
Use of this website
The information and opinions contained on this website are for general information purposes, are not intended to constitute legal or other professional advice and should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice relevant to particular circumstances.
Certain parts of this website link to other websites, and other websites may link to this website. Kennedys Law LLP and its affiliates are not responsible for the content of any third party websites.
All rights, including copyright, in the content of these web pages are owned by Kennedys.
By accessing the Kennedys website, you agree that you may only download the content for your own personal non-commercial use. Except where expressly stated otherwise, you are not permitted to copy, broadcast, download, store (in any medium), transmit, show or play in public, adapt or change in any way the content of these Kennedys web pages for any other purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission of Kennedys.
UK tax strategy
Kennedys Law LLP regards this policy as complying with its duty under Schedule 19 Finance Act 2016. This policy applies to Kennedys Law LLP and all UK Group and affiliated entities with effect from the financial year ending 30 April 2019 until it is superseded.
The policy covers our approach to arranging our United Kingdom tax affairs and has been approved by our Global Strategy Board.
For more information, please view our UK tax strategy.