Motor prosecution guide

Welcome to the fourth edition of Kennedys’ motor prosecution guide - published February 2023.

Being involved in a serious collision can be a traumatic and often life changing event.

The fourth edition of our motor prosecution guide explains the process following a motor accident involving serious injury or death. It provides a step-by-step guide on what to expect and what to do, from the scene of an accident through to criminal proceedings.

Kennedys’ motor prosecution team is highly experienced in representing drivers. With national coverage across our network of offices, our lawyers provide specialist advice immediately after a collision and during any subsequent proceedings.

Key topics discussed in the guide include:

  • At the scene
  • At the police station
  • Role of the CPS
  • Common terms and definitions
  • Common offences (Road Traffic Act 1988)
  • Court process
  • Coroners’ inquests

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