In the lead-up to Dive In 2024, we’re meeting the speakers and organisers who are making the global DE&I festival happen.
Office Manager, Lucero Diaz has been helping to organise two of the DE&I-focused events which runs from 24-26 September this year.
What are your events all about?
- Mental health and LGTBQ+: To catalyse discussions surrounding mental health and LGBTQ+ issues in Peru, companies can play a pivotal role by prioritizing inclusivity and awareness. This involves implementing internal policies that support diversity and providing education and training on these topics for employees. By fostering a culture of acceptance and understanding within the workplace and beyond, companies can contribute to breaking down societal barriers and promoting positive change in Peru's attitudes towards mental health and LGBTQ+ rights.
- Caring cultures: To promote caring cultures and support family and carers in the workplace in Peru, companies can implement various strategies. This includes offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, to accommodate employees' caregiving responsibilities. Additionally, providing access to resources and support networks for caregivers, such as informational workshops, can help alleviate stress and promote well-being. We plan to open a conversation about an inclusive and supportive environment that acknowledges and values employees' caregiving roles.
What does the chance to organise events on these topics mean to you?
Organizing these events is incredibly meaningful to me. It gives me the opportunity to engage in important conversations that have the potential to bring about positive changes in our community. I feel very proud to be a part of this dialogue and contribute to making a difference.
I feel like speaking about this topics that sometimes are depicted as difficult it’s a part of who I am and what I stand for.
What’s the main thing you’d like people to take from the event?
I would love for everyone participating in this year's Dive In to see firsthand that change is already unfolding, gradually but surely, not just within individuals but also across companies. It’s essential for them to recognize that these changes are not only happening but are also achievable. By witnessing these transformations, I hope they’ll feel inspired and empowered to continue driving progress and innovation in their own spheres.
What's one thing that never fails to make you laugh?
Videos of cats doing their usual mischief activities.
What's your favourite type of cuisine to cook at home?
I like to try new things that I see on tik tok videos. The last thing that I’ve cooked was the famous plate called “marry me chicken” which is a quick and easy recipe that results in a creamy, juicy, and full of flavor plate.
What's the most memorable concert or live performance you've attended?
I went to a Coldplay concert a few years ago and I still remember it to this day. The music, the lights and the energy were really memorable. I would like to go a concert of that band again, they are good performers, connected with the audience.