Kennedys joins the Responsible AI Institute

We have announced today that Kennedys is joining the Responsible AI Institute, a global non-profit that equips organisations with tools for AI governance and compliance. 

Having worked with AI for the past six years through our technology company Kennedys IQ, we are enthusiastic about the role of AI in the legal and insurance sectors.

"The addition of Kennedys to the Responsible AI Institute marks a significant milestone in our mission," stated Jeff Easley, General Manager at the Responsible AI Institute. "Kennedys brings a unique blend of legal acumen and technological foresight that will be invaluable to our work. Their proven track record in law and innovation will greatly enhance our collective ability to promote AI systems that are not only groundbreaking but also responsibly sound and legally robust."

Joining the Responsible AI Institute highlights our commitment to championing responsible AI practices.

Martin Stockdale, partner and Global AI Programme Lead comments, “The world of AI has many opportunities for the legal sector. We are committed to supporting our clients in all the ways that AI will impact them and their businesses. At the same time, we are looking forward to assessing how we work with AI in an innovative, but responsible way that will benefit Kennedys, our clients and the industry whilst always ensuring our clients data and reputations are protected.

“Responsible AI’s input and guidance will be critical, as the partnership reflects our values of providing best in class legal counsel, while adhering to the highest ethical standards and embracing social responsibility.”

We are currently working on our global AI initiative to unlock the potential of this emerging technology across our 47 offices, . The initiative will address AI according to four key pathways: legal advisory, client service delivery, business operations and legal productisation. The firm is also a regular commentator on AI topics across a range of sectors.

This collaboration between Kennedys and Responsible AI Institute further underscores the  Institute's pivotal role in shaping the responsible development and implementation of AI technologies across industries.


About the Responsible AI Institute

Founded in 2016, Responsible AI Institute (RAI Institute) is a global and member-driven non-profit dedicated to enabling successful responsible AI efforts in organizations. We accelerate and simplify responsible AI adoption by providing our members with AI conformity assessments, benchmarks and certifications that are closely aligned with global standards and emerging regulations.

Members include leading companies such as Amazon Web Services, Boston Consulting Group, KPMG, ATB Financial and many others dedicated to bringing responsible AI to all industry sectors.